The passing away of Nwugo, in my thinking, is the movement of the spirit, in this case God's spirit. Her gentle spirit has moved on, to be re-united with her Maker. Her Maker was her Rock; Her Maker was her Great Shepherd; Her Maker promised her everlasting life if she believed. She believed and her spirit is with the Lord. She is with the Lord. She is rejoicing for a life well spent. Although a life that was meant to be long was cut short, it was the Lord's doing. She left a wonderful foot print. She touched all that came her way. She was a gentle soul, who loved the potential in all things. She loved her family and most importantly, her husband. She trusted change as reflected in her careers. She loved and believed in the power of her Maker's words-that with Him all things are possible. She lived this belief; evidence in her growing hopes and dreams that with Him all things are possible. I hear her say: She is at peace. Weep no more.